Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0
Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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From: John Di Nardo <jad1@village.ios.com>
Message-Id: <199603011219.HAA26841@village.ios.com>
Subject: #2, KILL TERRORISTIC BILL HR2768, The Fascist Boot in Our Face
To: map@pencil.math.missouri.edu, nyt@nyxfer.blythe.org
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 07:19:32 -0500 (EST)
Cc: act@efn.org, lindat@iquest.net, pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu, pauls@cic.net,
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#2, KILL TERRORISTIC BILL HR 2768, the Fascist Boot in Our Face
The following are the first four points of a thirteen-point summary
of the blatantly unConstitutional and tyrannical piece of New World
Order legislation, H.R. 2768, that is being inflicted upon the
American People. This summary was composed by Suzann Harris of
The Law Loft in Los Angeles, California, area code (213)625-1941.
"1. H.R. 2768 allows both state and federal prosecutors to obtain
a list of the telephone numbers that your telephone and FAX
machine call to and receive from, even though you have not
been accused of any crime.
2. H.R. 2768 allows the attorney-general to secretly obtain your
financial records, without a warrant, even though you have not
been accused of any crime.
3. H.R. 2768 allows the [federal] government to secretly obtain
your hotel/motel bills, vehicle rental records, public storage
records, and your shipping invoices when you use a private
shipping company, even though you have not been accused of
any crime.
4. H.R. 2768 authorizes preliminary studies in preparation for
the new chemical weapons convention (treaty) that gives
United Nations inspectors police powers and immunity from
prosecution from criminal acts (even murder) committed
on United States soil."
Now, the first thing that comes to my mind, upon reading point four
(besides resentment over our leaders giving foreign troops coercive
authority over the sovereign citizens of the United States), is,
why should our New World Order Congress give these United Nations
police (soldiers) immunity from prosecution for kicking down the
doors of Americans' houses and apartments -- for stealing our money
and jewelry, for arresting and murdering us in our own homes?
WHY? Unless our traitorous New World Order Congress fully
intends to deploy these foreign marauding troops against disarmed,
helpless American families, cowering in fear within their own homes!
Get im motion, folks! Our safety and security is most definitely
in peril! We are in peril! Contact Suzann Harris and tell her
that you are organizing and networking with your fellow citizens
on the Internet, and that you want to collaborate with the Law Loft
in defeating this monstrous assault upon our liberty, this
traitorous assault known as H.R. 2768.
Get organized with fellow citizens and tell your local banksters
that, unless they lobby their Congressman against H.R. 2768,
you will withdraw your money from their banks and transfer it
to some other bank in the country that *IS* lobbying against this
fascistic H.R. 2768.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I urge you to post the episodes of this ongoing series to other
newsgroups, networks, computer bulletin boards and mailing lists.
It is also important to post hardcopies on the bulletin boards
in campus halls, churches, supermarkets, laundromats, etc. --
any place where concerned citizens can read this vital information.
Our people's need for Paul Reveres and Ben Franklins is as
urgent today as it was 220 years ago.
John DiNardo jad@locust.cic.net
| If we seriously listen to this God within us [conscience, if you will], |
| we usually find ourselves being urged to take the more difficult path, |
| the path of more effort rather than less. |
| .... Each and every one of us, more or less frequently, will hold |
| back from this work .... Like every one of our ancestors before us, |
| we are all lazy. So original sin does exist; it is our laziness. |
| |
| M. Scott Peck |